The October 2024 exam application is now OPEN!  Please see the Certification Page for links and details.

The North American Board of Breastfeeding and Lactation Medicine (NABBLM) was founded by a passionate group of seasoned Breastfeeding and Lactation Medicine Specialists who identify the need to help other physicians practice this specialty by outlining an evidence-based canon of knowledge, scope of practice, and pathway to board certification. NABBLM plans to board-certify physicians who are licensed in the United States and Canada.

Physicians are uniquely qualified to diagnose and manage breastfeeding and lactation-related problems using evidence-based medicine. Many lactating families need physician-level care and guidance for medical problems that impact breastfeeding and lactation such as breast masses, low milk production, hyperlactation, induction of lactation, complex medication regimens, thyroid disease, cancer, inflammatory health conditions, infections, etc. Breastfeeding and Lactation Medicine physicians often work alongside lactation consultants and other community supporters to provide team care for lactating families.

Physicians have been drawn to this field from a variety of training backgrounds, including pediatrics, medicine/pediatrics, family medicine, obstetrics/gynecology, breast surgery, preventive medicine, anesthesiology, infectious disease, and others. See our certification requirements. Breastfeeding and Lactation Medicine physicians evaluate, diagnose, and manage breastfeeding and lactation problems for both the lactating parent and the child. Licensed physicians in the USA or Canada are allowed to include all ages in their scope of practice, even if their training is within a certain age range.

The mission of NABBLM is to set the educational standards for the requisite knowledge and skills to practice Breastfeeding and Lactation Medicine, and to provide board certification.  

NABBLM encourages physicians to learn from those who have the experience and knowledge to practice and teach Breastfeeding and Lactation Medicine, and eventually from physicians who are board certified in Breastfeeding and Lactation Medicine. In addition, physicians who are trained in evidence-based breastfeeding and lactation care within their specialties, such as HIV Medicine specialists, psychiatrists, or anesthesiologists are important resources for further education.

The following organizations provide physician-level Breastfeeding and Lactation Medicine educational resources:

  • The Academy of Breastfeeding Medicine
  • The Institute for the Advancement of Breastfeeding and Lactation Education
  • The University of Rochester Breastfeeding and Lactation Fellowship
  • The American Academy of Pediatrics
  • Gold Learning
  • Dr. MILK
  • Lactation Education Resources
  • iLactation


No matter where you get your education please be sure to choose those that are taught by physicians/PhD/PharmD for physicians at the higher level of Breastfeeding and Lactation Medicine!

NABBLM is proud to have successfully administered our pilot exam in October 2023. 

Our next grandparenting exam for those practicing Breastfeeding and Lactation Medicine for 3+ years will be  October 23-26, 2024.

Sign up for our newsletter to receive updates on NABBLM’s progress.

We are a grass-roots organization dedicated to Breastfeeding and Lactation Medicine board certification by physicians for physicians. This has been a dream for so many breastfeeding and lactation medicine physician specialists practicing in this field, and the time is NOW!  We have already started our exam-preparation process which is quite costly because it requires working the psychometricians who will ensure that our exam meets the National Commission for Certifying Agencies standards of excellence.